
Returns & Refunds

Most Ukwii sales go smoothly, but if there is a problem with a purchase You can start a return or refund policy within 14 days for Ukwii Direct Products and 7 days for other seller’s eligible items, if you received an item that is defective, wrong, counterfeit, damaged or listed under the prohibited return products.

Upon returning an item, you are to make sure all tags, seals and accessories are left intact and in its original packaging.

All forms of return must be in alignment with the Ukwii Money Trust Guarantee scheme. You can get an exchange or your money returned if the product has been received and inspected. If a refund is approved, payment would be made to you through either bank transfers or vouchers immediately the product is receive by us.

Prohibited Return Products

For health and safety reasons, the following items cannot be returned under any circumstance;

  • Under garments of every type
  • Swim wear
  • Earrings and piercing rings
  • Cosmetics
  • Fragrances
  • Groceries
  • Medications and food supplements (except the product has less than 30 days to expire at the time the product gets to you)
  • Adult products
  • Tickets and software products
  • Arts and craft
  • Pre used clothing items/bags

a)    General Returns and cancellations for sellers

Sellers are obligated to replace, return, and refund the buyer under certain circumstances including product within the warranty period. When an item is returned after payment has been completed, the Buyer may request for a product change or a refund from the seller first, if the seller fails to comply, the buyer may then initiate a return by sending a dispute notice under the ‘Ukwii Money Trust Guarantee Scheme’. After investigation, Ukwii may then initiate a refund to the buyer on the seller’s behalf and charge the seller for the amount of the refund.

Additionally, Ukwii charges sellers for the cost of return and other reasonable fees when the product sent out was either defective, wrong, counterfeit, damaged or as listed under the prohibited return products.

Ukwii will invoice the sellers for these charges and collect such due charges.

b)     Returns and cancellations for buyers

Auction Products: Buyers do not have the right to cancel an order after an auction has being made, or after payment has being made. However, upon receiving such items, a return can be made only if the item is defective, counterfeit, or damaged. The buyer bears the full cost for a return or exchange.


Ukwii Money Trust Guarantee Scheme

Ukwii Money Trust Guarantee Scheme simply means that Ukwii certifies that any purchase carried out completely under Ukwii ensures that seller can refund or exchange goods which are either; defective, damaged, wrong or falls under the prohibited returns product.

Ukwii is devoted to protecting both the buyers and the sellers, hence the need for the Ukwii Money Trust Guarantee Scheme. Buyers and sellers cannot share contact information of any kind, including; email addresses and phone numbers, prior to completing a transaction on Ukwii.

Contacting another Ukwii member to discuss moving a purchase off Ukwii, exposes both the buyer and seller to the risk of fraud. It also means both buyer and seller will automatically not be covered by our ‘Ukwii Money Trust Guarantee Scheme for all claims under “Returns or refunds”, as Ukwii will be completely exonerated from all forms of mishaps that may arise from such transactions. You agree to comply with the policy and permit us to make a final decision on any Ukwii Money Trust Guarantee case.


Ukwii prides itself by its quality vendors and products, but just like you, we are not fallible, that is why in addition to our return policy we have taken cognisance of some products that may be defective or damaged after a while of usage and are covered by warranty notices on the Sellers Product Page. Warranty covers only damaged or defective product that has warranty.

Some products may be covered by warranty protection on them. However, irrespective of the packaging of the products, warranty terms are those stated on the Seller’s Product Page at the time of purchase which may sometimes vary from what is written on the product.

Sellers whose products are returned are obligated to repair, change or refund a buyer in part or in full in accordance to their warranty policy on their product page.

Buyers are not allowed to carry out any form of repair before sending in the defective or damaged product. Carrying out repairs of any form by the buyers or the buyer’s service provider, automatically deters the buyer from instituting a return under warranty.

Warrantee Cost of Return

Products to be returned under warrantee will be paid by the buyer, while the seller bears the cost of replacing the products or repairin

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